How can I get involved?
If you would like to contribute editorial to one of our Burrows Business Guides the first step is to get in contact with our Client Services Manager, Andrew Nice to make sure you are allocated pages in the guide, as editorial is limited.
If you would simply like to know more about what being an editorial partner involves, then feel free to contact one of the production team, who will explain what type of editorial we are looking for, what help we can offer you in writing and researching your text and the various stages involved from proofing to publication.

How can I advertise?
If you are interested in advertising in our guides then you should contact our Sales Team, who will help you decide which guides you would like us to allocate you space in, and give you the chance to discuss pricing and conditions. Please note space is limited.

What other opportunities are there as a contributor?
One of the best ways to get maximum exposure for your organisation is by becoming an official distributor, allowing you to show your involvement in the guide to clients and potential clients. To distribute copies of any of our Burrows Business Guides you will need to get in contact with our Client Services Manager, who will arrange how many copies of the guide you will receive and discuss how you would like to distribute them with you.

What are the benefits of being involved?
Contributing to a Burrows Business Guide is essentially free publicity for your organisation or company. We want to provide the business community with the most useful and relevant information so contributing editorial is the best way for you to showcase your services, new projects and organisation as a whole. We are here to help with the structure and content of your text and we can guarantee that your organisation’s information will not only be presented in a stylish way but also be edited to reflect the best your company has to offer.

Who else is involved?
Depending on whether a city guide or county guide is being produced, all local councils are approached to participate in the guide in order to make sure every area of the region is represented. We also have links to a number of national organisations and charities that regularly contribute to our guides, focusing their editorial on their activities in that particular region. Furthermore, we welcome contributions from major educational institutions, having already featured some of the UK’s top universities business departments. And of course, any organisation or company with significant influence on business in the area will usually have some involvement in the guide, such as Chambers of Commerce, Regional Development Agencies, Investment Agencies and various chapters of Business Link UK.

Will all of my editorial go in the same section?
Not necessarily, depending on the organisation or company you may be advised to write editorial for more than one section of the guide. For example, certain organisations with strong sustainability policies would be ideal candidates not only for our Business Development section but also our Sustainable Business section.

Where will the guide be distributed?
In general, all editorial contributors will distribute some copies of the guide, either for internal use or to be made available to the public. In addition, a number of networking groups in the area will be contacted about the opportunity to distribute the guide amongst their members and the top 1,000 businesses in the region will also receive copies, ensuring that the guide is seen by the people who will find it the most useful. Total circulation varies from guide to guide.

Who is the readership for the guides?
The Guides are written for the business community; businesses currently in the area, businesses considering relocating to the area, businesses looking to trade or build business links with the area and visitors.

Who will I be working with on my editorial?
Your main point of contact for discussing your contribution will be the production team. They will be able to offer you help and advice about the style and content of your text to ensure it appeals to the widest possible readership and supplies as much useful information as possible. The production team will also be responsible for sending you first and final proofs of your editorial so you have an opportunity to comment on the layout of your pages, images used and any changes that may have been made to the original editorial submitted.